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Difficulty to summon help if needed
·          Work in pairs whenever possible and always carry a cell phone
·          Inform someone of your plans, check in regularly and inform someone if plans change
·          Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables unless necessary
·          Trust your intuition and remove yourself immediately from any situation where you do not feel safe
Abuse or assault
·          Do not work after dark or in deserted areas
·          Be aware of your surroundings, do not use headphones
·          Do not display camera, jewelry or wallet needlessly, dress appropriately
·          Do not share any personal details with strangers
·          Leave immediately if you feel threatened and move towards a place where you know there will be other people (e.g. restaurant, shop, intersection)
·          Do not resist if mugged: it’s not worth it
·          If physically assaulted, shout and scream something practical like "call the police!" (people rarely react to calls for "help!")
·          If grabbed and unable to break free, pretend to vomit. This will often have the desired effect!
Abuse or assault
·          Always carry a cell phone
·          Dress appropriately, preferably wearing clothing with the school name/logo
·          Do not trespass on any private property without explicit permission
·          Do not interview any person if you feel it no safe to do so, and conduct interviews in public places (sidewalk, doorstep)
·          Always remain calm and polite
·          Make up an excuse and leave immediately if you feel threatened at any point and move towards a place where you know there will be other people (e.g. restaurant, shop, intersection)
·          Do not resist if mugged: it’s not worth it
·          If physically assaulted, shout and scream something practical like "call the police!" (people rarely react to calls for "help!")
·          If grabbed and unable to break free, pretend to vomit. This will often have the desired effect!
Misunderstanding or offense leading to abuse or assault
·          When interviewing people, state your first name, the school name and explain the purpose of the investigation
·          Seek permission before proceeding with an interview: give the time you will need (max 10 min), explain why you need to collect primary data, and clearly state that (1) questionnaires are anonymous and (2) that interviewees can decline to answer any question at any point
·          Do not share personal information (including last name or phone number) with strangers, including interviewees
·          Do not insist if people do not wish to be interviewed
·          Do not cause obstruction (e.g. narrow sidewalk, business entrance), litter or cause damages of any kind
·          Stick to the prepared questions and do not formulate any personal judgment, remain neutral
·          Dress appropriately, preferably wearing clothing with the school name/logo
·          Always remain calm, polite and tactful
·          Do not photograph an individual without permission
·          Do not interfere with businesses without permission from a manager
·          Do not be enticed into an argument, avoid aggressive stances (e.g. crossed arms, raised hands, raised voice)
·          Do not turn your back on someone who is behaving aggressively
·          Keep your distances, avoid any physical contact that could be misinterpreted
·          Apologize immediately if you see the person interviewed is offended, and use good judgment to determine whether you can continue or should conclude the interview
·          Do not touch anyone who is angry, this will not help calm the situation
·          Make up an excuse and leave immediately if you feel threatened at any point and move towards a place where you know there will be other people (e.g. restaurant, shop, intersection)
Pet-related injury
·          Do not touch pets, even if they “look friendly”
Traffic accident
·          Cross streets only where/when permitted
·          If on a road, always walk facing traffic
·          Do not use headphones
Unsafe neighborhoods or areas
·          Pay attention to danger signs, avoid construction zones
·          If unfamiliar with the neighborhood, check with someone beforehand whether it is safe or not
·          Trust your intuition and remove yourself immediately from any situation or area where you do not feel safe (e.g. alleys in certain neighborhoods) and move towards a place where you know there will be other people (e.g. restaurant, shop, intersection)
·          Do not wander after dark, particularly in areas which are not well lit (e.g. alleys, parks)
Getting lost
·          Study any unfamiliar area before the fieldwork
·          Carry a cell phone and a map or any unfamiliar area, locate the meeting point
·          Bring money for transportation (public transportation or taxi) if needed
·          Pay attention to weather warnings, local warnings and danger signs
·          Plan for appropriate clothing (e.g. rain gear, warm clothes, sunscreen, walking shoes)
Earthquake, fire or any major disaster (including terrorist attack)
·          Locate the meeting point at the beginning of the fieldwork and always carry a cell phone
·          Carry contact of information of family/school/teacher: contact them as soon as possible
·          Stay calm, walk away from any unsafe area, make your way toward the meeting point if it is safe to do so
·          If inside during an earthquake, duck and cover, protect yourself from debris and broken glass. Evacuate calmly the building only if the alarm sounds, otherwise remain inside (unless it does not appear safe)
·          If outside during an earthquake, move away from buildings and beware of falling electric cables and other debris
·          Carry a photo ID, cell phone and health insurance information (if any)
·          Call 911 if it is an emergency, and inform the teacher immediately
·          Know where to find an open pharmacy, or carry a first-aid kit (one per group)
Illness or allergies
·          Inform the teacher of any medical condition or possible violent allergic reaction
·          Carry any necessary medication at all times, cell phone and health insurance information with you (if any)
·          Stop activity and let someone know immediately if you are not feeling well
·          Call 911 if it is an emergency, and inform the teacher immediately
Lack of food or water
·          Have breakfast before the fieldwork, bring lunch and water

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